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Step 2
Complete & Submit the Consent to Treat

Step 1: Complete  & Submit the Participation Waiver

(Green form) Please complete the form for the athlete(s) you are registering.

Step 2: Complete  & Submit the Consent to Treat (Grey form below). Please fill out for each athlete(s) you are registering.

Step 3: Complete final step by submitting Payment for each registered athlete(s). Payment details and options can be found on our website or attached to the payment form.

**Scholarships Available! Contact us for details!  

Consent To Treat

Complete the medical consent to treat form for each athlete you are registering. 

*If you would like to view the USATF forms in their entirety please e-mails us for a copy. 



parent or legal guardian of


, do hereby consent to any medical care and the administration of 

anesthesia determined by a physician to be necessary for the welfare of my child while said child is under the care of Central Coast Athletic Foundation / Peregrines Youth Track Club and I am not reasonably available by telephone to give consent. This authorization is effective 2.19.2024- 2.19.2025.

This consent form should be taken with the child to the hospital or physician's office when the child is taken for treatment.

This additional information will assist in treatment if it can be furnished with the consent but is not required. 

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